For Immediate Release:
October 8, 2018 Hancock Resource Center seeking eighth graders for two leadership opportunities Applications for the 2019 classes of the Hancock Youth Leadership Academy (HYLA) Junior High program and Hancock Youth for Positive Efforts (HYPE), initiatives of the Hancock Resource Center, are now available to interested eighth graders. HYLA is seeking eighth grade students from one of the four middle schools in Hancock County (or homeschooled equivalent) to be a part the HYLA Junior High class of 2019. Candidates for HYLA typically have leadership potential but have not yet had the opportunity to discover it. The Hancock Youth Leadership Academy will help these unlikely leaders recognize their potential. Students from the four schools will meet together for four full-day sessions to learn about leadership skills, community development and high school readiness. The last session will include a service project planned by students. The cost of the program is $100.00 per student; applicants may request scholarships through the school that they attend. The HYPE program is seeking eighth grade students who already possess some leadership qualities and have the courage to take a stand for an issue they believe in. HYPE will work to engage these students to create positive change within their school community. Students will meet with other students from their school for three half-day sessions and learn how to determine the need for change and how to create change. The last full day session will include the implementation of the students’ plan for change. The cost of the program is $30.00 per student; applicants may request scholarships through the school that they attend. There is one application for both programs. Students will indicate their preferred program on the application, however, the selection committee will determine the best fit, if any, for the student. Students may be selected for only one program, not both. Students may obtain an application from their school, Hancock Resource Center, or download the application packet from or Applications are due on October 23rd by 4 p.m. Students may turn their applications into their school or the Hancock Resource Center. Selected students will be notified before the Christmas holidays. |
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