Alcoholics or 2285759225
Check website for meeting times/locations | or 228-467-7609
or 855-891-7325 after hours, 612 E Pass Rd., Gulfport, MS Prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. |
Free phone to qualifying households receiving government assistance, low income based. | or 228-432-0301
1012 Division St., Biloxi, MS Mon, Tues, Wed & Friday 9-11:30AM and 1:30-4:00PM Emergency Services Mon, Wed, Fri 9-11:30AM Call on Thursdays at 9AM for an appointment. Day center for homeless offering showers, laundry, computers, phone, job services and haircuts. Offering $4 generic prescriptions, no narcotics, assist with purchase of birth certificates and ID's. |
| or 228-594-3640
1650 Carrol Dr., Biloxi, MS Tuesdays 8:30-11:30AM, 1:00-4:00PM Thursdays 8:30-11:30AM (First come, first serve basis) Call for other for doctor availability. Free healthcare/medications as available for the un/under-insured. | or 228-388-9938
288 Veterans Ave., Biloxi, MS Provides individual readjustment counseling, group meetings, counseling for military sexual trauma, bereavement, marital and family counseling, substance abuse information and referral, referrals and care coordination for Active Duty Service members and thier families. | or 228-467-9515
310 Old Spanish Trail, Bay St. Louis, MS Summer enrichment camp ages 4-18. After school program 2:30-6:30PM Register online for both programs. | or 228-467-2446
To contact via email click here Supervised visitation services, parenting classes, education/awareness/prevention. Programs also include yoga, creative coping, and resources for families. |
228-701-0555 or 1-855-847-0555 Basic Needs assistance, disaster assistance, infant care items, representative payee services, translation services and food assistance referrals. | or 228-463-9666
109 Hospital Dr., Bay St. Louis, MS Offers primary healthcare, accepts private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP. Sliding scale fee discounts are available based on family size and income if uninsured. Patients are eligible to receive medications from their pharmacy and may be eligible for assistance based on income and prescription coverage. | or 228-344-0419
644 Dunbar Ave., Bay St. Louis, MS Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00PM Trained volunteers who advocate for abused/neglected children involved with both the CPS and Youth Court systems. CASA sees children 2-3x per month, attend court hearings, and testify to the child's best interest. Report abuse 1-800-222-8000 |
Contact Sherry Necaise 228-222-3404 Eyeglass assistance for residents of Hancock County north of I-10 & Pearlington | or 228-207-1905
14120 John Clark Rd., Gulfport, MS Clothes closet to assist families with children in foster care and families that have children who are susceptible of going into foster care. Biological families need a referral. | or 228-216-7387
P.O. Box 2274, Bay St. Louis, MS, 39520 Spay/Neuter assistance, feral/free roaming cat program, animal adoption/foster programs, NO kill shelter, pet transport, and education/outreach. | or 855-222-5542
Check Website or Call for location/meeting times. | or 228-586-3510
10469 Hwy 603, Bay St. Louis, MS Job skills training for employment development, life skills, parenting classes, anger management classes, one-on-one mentoring. | or 228-436-3809 or 228-252-1999
Serves adult and child victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and human trafficking as well as family members of homicide victims. Services include: domestic violence shelter, counseling and mental health services, court advocacy, case management services, civil legal services, a therapeutic preschool, childcare, housing programs, and outreach education. | or 228-870-7255
3300 20th St., Gulfport, MS Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM Job Corps is an academic and vocational job training program for at-risk individuals between the ages of 16 and 24. | or 228-467-9699 or Fax # 228-467-2974
To contact via email click here 103 Central Ave., Bay St. Louis, MS Veterans Repair Program (critical home repairs), home preservation program (minor exterior repairs and painting), aging in place program (small accessibility upgrades). Available to qualifying individuals and families. | or 228-467-9048
To contact via email click here 300 South 2nd St., 2nd Floor, Bay St. Louis, MS Business assistance and community development. | or 228-255-0376
P.O. BOX 921, Jackson, MS, 39205 Partners with all Hancock County libraries to provide Storytime, Rubber Ducky Summer Reading Program for pre-k children. Provides a pre-k toy lending library of educational resources. Connects pre-k parents to resources for early screening and intervention. | or 228-467-2790
9972 Highway 603, Bay St. Louis, MS Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00PM Must be a Hancock Country resident, must provide photo ID, and income must be below the federal poverty level. Qualified families may receive assistance once every 30 days. | or 228-467-4510
856 Hwy 90, Bay St. Louis, MS Monday- Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM Provides WIC services, family planning, immunizations, first steps. | or 228-220-3350 or Fax # 228-344-3081
To contact via email click here 9930 Hwy 603, Bay St. Louis, MS Provides early education and children's services. | or 228-467-5282
Library branches located in Bay St. Louis, Waveland, Pearlington, Kiln, and Diamondhead. Libraries offer books, DVDs, audiobooks, computers, Wi-Fi hotspots, 3D printers, digital materials, online resources, programming and more! | or 228-467-9292
601 Bookter St., Bay St. Louis, MS Monday-Friday 8:00AM-3:00PM Serves Hancock County Residents 60 years or older. Call for information regarding Meals on Wheels. Bus services available to center and other services. Breakfast and lunch served, riders eat first. | or 228-395-1560
854 Highway 90, Suite A., Bay St. Louis, MS (9:00AM-4:30PM on Mon/Wed) 18335 Hwy 90, Kiln, MS (9:00AM-4:00PM on Tues/Thurs) Advocacy for Veterans/dependents in assistance with completing forms, directing forms to the proper areas, and obtaining the necessary documents in support of Veterans Affairs (VA) claims. Appointments preferred. | or 228-463-8887
887 Washington St., Bay St. Louis Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-4:30PM Counseling for budget/credit, foreclosure, homelessness, veterans, domestic violence survivors and homeowner rehab. Employment assistance for veterans. Community development and youth leadership programs. | or 228-466-6395
Advocate on behalf of abused/neglected children. Provides forensic interview services. Conducts prevention programs on child sexual abuse to the community and support for resource families and children in care. Offer parenting classes. As funds permit, will provide aid to families in crisis. |
Click here to go to website or 228-493-4796
2005 Longfellow Dr., Bay St. Louis, MS Central Bible Church across from the Post Office. Meals offered Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:30AM-1:00PM Drive through to-go plates only. | or 228-469-0110
6077 Lakeshore Rd., Lakeshore, MS Monday 9:00AM-3:00PM Offer help once per week with food, clothing, and household items. | or 601-799-2121
To contact via email click here 120 Street A, Suite A., Picayune, MS Free medical clinic Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Assistance provided through case management system. |
844-822-4622 or 228-868-2311 Robert E. Lee Building, 239 N. Lamar St, Jackson, MS, 395201 Monday- Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM MAC Center provides "No Wrong Door" approach in helping people obtain reliable, unbiased information about a broad range of programs and services regardless of income or eligibility. | or 800-498-1804
520 E. Pass Road, Suite J., Gulfport, MS Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-5:30PM, Friday 8:30AM-3:00PM Provides free civil legal assistance for eligible low income individuals. |
856 Highway 90, Bay St. Louis, MS Dept. of Family and Children Services Ste. C (228-467-4100) Child abuse and neglect hotline (800-222-8000) Economic Assistance TANF/SNAP Ste. E (228-467-4565) Child Support Ste. D, Mon-Fri 8:00AM-5:00PM (228-467-2808) | or 228-575-3791 or 800-443-1000
13486 Fastway Ln., Gulfport, MS Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM State agency that provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities to help them become employed and self sufficient. Various programs available. | or 228-255-1294
9062 Kiln Delisle Rd., Pass Christian, MS Call the church to fill out a form for assistance. Provides aid with emergency needs once per year for residents in county boundary. |
Click here to visit website or 228-324-8404
5078 Hwy 90 West, Bay St. Louis, MS Celebrate recovery program | or 228-467-8790
149 Drinkwater Rd., Bay St. Louis, MS Provides healthcare education/screening. Mammography screening for those who are uninsured and do not qualify for public assistance. | or 601-545-8110
100 W Front St., Hattiesburg, MS Provide community services promoting self-sufficiency for disadvantaged individuals, families, and businesses by establishing partnerships in MS. | or 228-220-5454
24 hour crisis line 1-800-681-0798 819 Central Ave., Bay St. Louis, MS Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM Mental health outpatient services for children and adults provided based on a sliding scale fee. Rehab program for mentally ill adults in Waveland. 24hr crisis stabilization unit and drug/alcohol rehab in Gulfport. | or 228-466-3841
1978 Washington Ave., Bay St. Louis, MS Food box once per month for Hancock County residents 60 years + and meet income eligibility guidelines. Call for additional information. | or 228-342-1545
301 Necaise Ave., Bay St. Louis, MS Call Monday 9:00-11:00AM for an appointment. Hancock County residents only. Appointments on Wednesday starting at 10:00AM. Emergency assistance available once per year. | or 228-374-9097
856 Hwy 90, Bay St. Louis, MS Office temporarily closed. New and current clients should call to see if they have RX in stock. Generic RX only, no narcotics. New clients must go to office located at 715 Division St. Biloxi, MS | or 228-342-4117
To contact via email click here 236 S Beach Blvd., Waveland, MS Wednesday 10:00AM-1:00PM Utility assistance and limited food pantry available. Additional request on a case by case basis. Please call with your needs or walk-in. | or 228-374-8301
2019 22nd St., Gulfport, MS Food Pantry by appointment only Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 1:00PM; Thursday 8:30AM First come, first serve. Food pantry closes when they reach capacity. Available every 90 days. Call for list of documents that must be provided. | or 228-868-2311
10441 Corporate Dr., Ste. 1 Gulfport, MS Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM Agency on aging, workforce development, senior community service employment program, and the elderly and Medicaid waiver program. |
Click here to access website or 228-344-3526
640 Hwy 90, Suite B., Waveland, MS WIO Youth Program: offers tutoring, HSE prep, work ethics training, financial literacy training, paid work experience and much more for in-school youth (junior seniors) and out-of-school youth (ages 16-24). Supportive services and incentive payments for participation available. Career Step Program: Participants ages 18-59 that meet income eligibility requirements may enroll in Career STEP, free short-term training program offered at local community college. Program also pays for supportive services such as books and supplies, may offer internship opportunities. |
Only Available via phone 228-467-8047
314 Vacation Ln., Waveland, MS Wednesdays 11:00AM-1:00PM Lunch served at Waveland United Methodist Church |
Dial 988 Press 1 Visit website for additional information. | or 228-466-5425
856 Hwy 90, Suite D., Bay St. Louis, MS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM Wednesday close at 4:00PM Closed for lunch daily 12:00PM-1:00PM Job placement assistance, job and skill training, priority services for veterans, career counseling and referral to many other valuable services. Appointments recommended but not required. |