Hancock Resource Center is a Nonprofit Community Development Corporation with a mission to stabilize families and strengthen the community by addressing obstacles and barriers to housing. HRC is currently looking to fill volunteer board positions with community members who share an interest in Hancock Resource Center’s mission or have a particular interest in one of Hancock Resource Center's programs.
Homebuyer and Mortgage Preparation Counseling- Clients that are purchasing or refinancing a home receive one-on-one counseling from nationally certified Housing Counselors to determine affordability and mortgage readiness. HRC is a qualified provider of high-cost mortgage counseling, required by HUD before a high-cost mortgage can close. Nationally Certified Foreclosure Counselors- HRC works with families to help navigate the default and delinquency process helping them to determine what default resolutions are available. Post-purchase Home Maintenance and Energy Counseling- HRC’s certified BPI Analyst provides one-on-one customized counseling and education specific to the energy-efficient features installed in the home or energy-savings measures that can be instituted. Homelessness Solutions- HRC is part of the MS 503 Continuum of Care (CoC) serving the Mississippi Gulf Coast and works through a Coordinated Entry System to identify those that are literally homeless, prioritize the needs and serve those individuals and families with a number of resources. Rental Assistance with Case Management- HRC helps eligible families with an array of services, including financial assistance, budget counseling, advocacy services, referrals to needed services, and housing search assistance with limited financial assistance to prevent homelessness. Rental counseling assist clients to locate affordable rental housing and provides tenant education. Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)- Very low-income eligible Veteran families receive a host of supportive services and case management, including temporary financial assistance, to promote housing stability on a sustainable basis. In 2015, HRC was recognized with the CoC by the Veterans’ Administration and the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness for effectively ending Veteran homelessness on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. SSVF staff continue to work to limit Veteran homeless episodes to infrequent, rare and short durations. Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP)- Eligible Veterans receive employment counseling and job-driven training services as well as job placement and follow-up assistance to help maintain housing stability over the long term. Transitional Housing for Domestic Violence Survivors- Victims of domestic violence can get help with a temporary safe haven, childcare, education, legal and transportation assistance, while housing counselors help you find and maintain long-term housing. Family Advocacy Navigator Program- The Navigator program is family-centered, recovery-oriented (from the crisis causing the children to be removed) service delivery model to help families stabilize, prioritize their children and focus on the importance reunification. Hancock Resource Center’s Navigator program works with parents to help them navigate the CPS and Youth Court systems. Case managers assist parents to develop a prioritized list of tasks and then connect with community resources to get these tasks accomplished. Housing Rehab and Repair- Provides grant and low-interest loans and construction management to complete exterior and interior repairs such as roofing, siding, painting, plumbing, electrical, and heating systems for elderly, disabled or very low income homeowners. HRC improves about 40 homes per year in primarily Hancock County, but can also serve some areas in Harrison County. Energy Wise Weatherization Program- Helps low-income residents reduce energy costs including improvements such as weather stripping, insulation and other repairs/upgrades that may reduce energy bills. Hancock Youth Leadership Academy (HYLA)- Empowers today’s youth to be the leaders of tomorrow, promoting the development of character, courage, and service through civic commitment. Separate programs for eighth grade and eleventh grade students are offered each year by the Hancock Youth Leadership Academy and focus on preparing youth for leadership roles and opportunities, now and in the future. There are 22 eighth graders and 25 high school juniors in the 2017 class. Drug Free Community Support Program and Hancock Youth for Positive Efforts (HYPE)- Hancock Resource Center works as part of the Hancock Community Coalition to combat substance abuse in our community through awareness and prevention programs for youth. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in 2017, this program seeks to decrease substance use in the next generation through leadership and positive social norming with youth in grades 6-12. Holiday Assistance- By partnering with The Salvation Army, the United States Marine Corp Toys for Tots and Hope Haven Children’s Services, HRC provides help with Christmas gifts and food for eligible families. In 2016, HRC served more than 300 children in the community. Disaster Readiness & Response- Provides the tools, emergency numbers, evacuation routes, and CPR training to help save lives and minimize property damage. HRC has been designated as the county’s Disaster Recovery Organization (DRO). After a disaster, the Hancock Resource Center works closely with the Emergency Operations Center to provide damage assessment, emergency supplies such as food, water, and tarps, and to coordinate the volunteer response. Community Education Classes offered include First-Time Homebuyers- Assist the homebuyer through the entire process, from potential down payment assistance to the best type of loan, including how to hire a home inspector and the “must do’s” of a home inspection, as well as how to budget to maintain the new home. Credit Counseling- Good credit is needed for just about everything; from buying or leasing a home to educational loans to landing that new job. Household Budget- Certified counselors can teach ways to manage income and expenses. Maintain your Home- Teaches how to make necessary repairs, and prepare for the ongoing cost of homeownership. A properly maintained home is safer and requires fewer repairs, saving tons of money in the long run. Other topics include: how to prevent foreclosure and how to be a good neighbor for a more enjoyable homeownership experience and sense of community. GET A JOB--Resume Writing and Interview Skills- Learn how to build your resume to best represent yourself in this increasingly competitive job market and how to improve your skills throughout the interview process. Basic Computers Skills- Build knowledge and skills with computers and the Internet. This course is divided into four separate modules: Computer Skills; E-Mail Skills; Word Processing Skills and Web Skills. HRC has a particular interest to include those that have been homeless and Veterans as part of the governing body. Anyone interested in working toward a strong community through service on the HRC Board, please send any questions and qualifications to Rhonda Rhodes at [email protected] or contact Rhonda Rhodes at 228-463-8887. |
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